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Wednesday, October 26, 2011 Y

Happy birthday to me! AND at the same time, it's 35th month anniversary!

I rmb i once promised you to update my blog every week, to update you on what is going on in my life. However, after you disappeared without saying goodbye, i had no motivation to continue blogging. I have no idea if you are still visiting my blog, or reading it but i just wanna write this post specially for you. It's already 26Oct. Remembering you going into army is already 2 years ago. Shouldn't you be out yet? My friends always asked me to give it up, no point waiting, he is not going to find you.... But i dunno why, something tells me "i have to wait no matter what". But now, it's stupid, to think that u will do what u promised. I guess it's really time for me to give it up. 2 years is a long period and who knows, you already find another girl that is irresistible and i am still acting like an idiot waiting for you. If u are still reading my blog, i am telling you that i am only gonna wait til dec. After that, i am totally gonna give it up. Give up on how you pictured a perfect guy in my mind, giving up on waiting for you. But if u still remember the promise you made, i am and will be waiting for you to come find me or at least give me an email or something. ANd i changed my hp number, so if anithink, reach me through my email. or better still, write in the cbox:) Tell me if u are still alive. Tell me if u still remember me.:) ... I miss you...alot<3

} ' the.RAINBOWs
2:18 AM

Monday, June 15, 2009 Y

Had a AC BBQ gathering at Mark's uncle condo. Luckily there is shelter or else, the heavy rain will spoil our plan.

Really had a great fun at the bbq!:)

hmmm...Really no mood to blog lei...haha...tts all for now bah!!:)

} ' the.RAINBOWs
4:08 PM

Monday, June 1, 2009 Y

Tml will be Review lo!! Afraid that i may not be able to answer the questions that the teacher ask. *Pray hard*

Good luck for those who have not finish the review yet!!
*still have to finish up my Schemetic...Stress up!!:P

Plus one more day not seeing u...:)

} ' the.RAINBOWs
8:37 PM

Saturday, May 30, 2009 Y

Sorry for not updating my blog!!:)
I have lots of pics in my hp but lazy to upload it...so i may do it after review or never gonna do it. HAHA:)
Anyway, been busy doing my reports for IS and my manual routing. Mr goh asked me to re-route it and i finish it in one day!! can u believe it!? I tink the previous time i didnt place my components properly. Hope this time it can work or else i will be so dead for the review. HAHA. Oh ya, from monday onwards will be review lo. Have to go study those usage for components or Supevisor will shoot alot of qns. Luckily i have handed in the reports for ERA and WISP. haiz, This week is really busy busy busy. Maybe tts part of the reason why my energy lose so easily and i really feel very sleepy everyday. Can't get myself to stay awake as i have not study for my CT. DIE DIE liao. If this 2 sems i cannot get 3.88 at least, then its Bye Bye to my cert of Merit le. Really hope to get one for easier application to Uni. *pray hard*
Hopefully after next 2 weeks i will be able to rest and PLAY!! haha..after CT is for playing, going out an have fun.
Miss seeing him at CT2, but never see him for 3 days le.

} ' the.RAINBOWs
12:24 AM

Tuesday, May 5, 2009 Y

Another week has passed and here comes the third week of project work!!Got our New Camry Car today!! Oh Gosh...It is so damn cool. Especially the touch screen radio.

New Car!!:)

The TOUCH SCREEN radio!! Super cool!!:)

Colour sensor just came in this afternoon and guess wat..Its super duper small la!! Guess its like...2cm??!! haha:)
Went for graduation briefing today and i am under JC, same as the last two yrs. And singya is under...Dunno who(forgot liao)..haha. Anyway, hope this yr will be a fun one coz the next yr grads will be us!! Damn fast!! haha.

Jia you everyone for their proj!!! (",)

} ' the.RAINBOWs
8:06 PM

Friday, May 1, 2009 Y

HELLO everyone!!
Back again for blogging...So Sorry for not updating..
I noe..My blog is lyk damn boring...Damn DEAD..
Coz, my phone is being hospitalised for about 2 weeks lar!!!
No phone = No pics taken = Nothing to update..
Understand now?? So now, since i got back my phone...Can update lo
Woo..School reopens like...2nd week alry. And still doing our robots.
Ironcad...hmmm..I tink have to say that we are damn slack..
And i am guilty about tt.
Anyway, Alpha is quite fun, not talking about the reporting and stuff..its fun hanging out at alpha.
This few weeks, news reporting about "swine flu"..OOOh...scary..Now even pigs can spread flu. Is this the work of humans?? Or otherwise?
Heard that its even worst den SARS. So, Lets hope for the best now.
Anyway, Had "early" mother's day today at the holiday INN. Had really nice food. Hmm...having another celebration at the mandarin hotel tmr with my mother's side. HAHA:) Eating eating still eating...:)

This is not SHIT!!!:)(pic above)
Its durian..FYI..haha

Happy Birthday San Gu!!!:)

After the buffet, Went out wif Xue fen, Sis, And ******.
Have so much fun la..haha..Shld do this more often. Too bad Hui min, Zhi ming and Fu Nan cant go out. :(
Watched Taken at Cathay and went back home about 7+.
Had so much fun today. Thanks thanks!!:)

} ' the.RAINBOWs
8:58 PM

Friday, April 3, 2009 Y

Happy 19th Birthday Glenda!!
Hope u are having fun wif....**AHEM** now..haha:)
Its really fun yest watching our *movie Marathon*
We shld do this some other times when there are nice movies..HAHA:)
Remember our Date on Next thurs!! K-BOX!!

} ' the.RAINBOWs
8:28 PM